Actually, it was last week, but only just getting round to it! Sorry
Heather!10 Years ago
I must have been working part time,as i chose jobs that fitted around school hours, when my kids were younger, but i can't remember if i was at De Montfort University or at Graham Lloyd! (your memory for this type of thing lapses as you get older !!) However, i do remember receiving a phone call from the school to say that my youngest(9 at the time) had hurt her leg! Some slabs had fallen onto her at playtime and could i go and pick her up! To cut a long story short, the slabs had broken her right leg in
two places and she was in plaster from her toes to her groin for six weeks!!! The outcome of all of this was that we ended up suing them, and she was awarded a sum of money, which was held by the courts until she was eighteen. The only good thing was, because of the build up of interest, the sum had doubled in the nine years that it was held. So....earlier this year, she had a cheque for well over £6,000 pounds. It was a very horrid time for all of us, especially Rhianna, but things like this are set to try us!!!!
5 Things to do today Well, as we are well into the evening,and most of the things i had to do are done! I guess it's Upload more pictures of our little Hedgehog family! Cook some supper for Andy & Chloe when they get home (about 9pm!!!!) Hopefully, find time to craft! Iron blouse for work tomorrow, and have a bath!!
Snacks i enjoy!
Well.... almost any type of fruit, i do love cheese unfortunately for my midriff!! so almost anything with cheese, but it has to be the kind that almost' bites' the roof of your know the good mature ones... yum :) Also, the big flat field mushrooms, with a tiny bit of garlic butter mmmmmm!
Things i would do if i were a Millionaire!Give up work!!!!! All the usual, give some to the kids, invest some to live on (cause i've already given up working!! Buy and stock with fabby stuff, my very own craft shop! But, as i've managed all these years without having loads of money, i would give the rest to Children and Animal charities, it would save all the hassle that large amounts of money seem to cause!!!! Money, of course is essential, but having it does not make you a better person.....unless you do something to benefit those that are worse off than yourself!!!!!
Places i've lived
I'm a country bumpkin at heart :) I was born in a Bedfordshire village called 'Haynes', where i lived with my parents until i got married to Andy at age 22, when we moved to Bedford! So only two different locations, but three different houses! Only moved once, so far! and the next time we move, i hope it is somewhere sunny & warm with loads of land , so that we can have loads of animals :)
I should at this point Tag five others, but, as this one is 'doing the rounds' i will leave it up to you if you want to try it!